Gag Comics

Piggy Bank

10 comments on “Piggy Bank”

Sad thing is, most piggy-banks had a cork/plug in the belly that could be removed. I just used a pickle jar with the lid taped to reduce temptation, and so I could tell when it was getting full.

No, sad that he smashed it for the fun of it is all, at his age I’d go buy comic books with that! These days it would be for loot boxes/micro-transactions…

Well, smashable piggy bank is bit american way; locally there was hatch on bottom that could be opened to empty it.

Ah, but a lot of those cork/plugs were too small for the larger coins to come out of.
Especially back in the the pre-decimal days of British coinage, where the silver coins (shilling, florin, half-crown, crown, etc.) were relatively enormous!

The USA had that as well, they just got cheap and went with paper money sooner is all. I can remember feeling my pants slowly drift down from the weight of coins walking to the local news/magazine/comic book store… Yes I’m old enough to remember life before the internet and pay-TV.

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