Gag Comics


14 comments on “Unbelievable”

I always check the comments on strips like this to see what opinions there are and whos gonna be a jerk in these comments lol

very likely; after all gap comes from job/position/company/education difference, not gender or skin color

The main part of the wage gap between men and women are the types of jobs. On average, women aren’t applying to jobs with a death rate. Or jobs that are extremely taxing, physically. Like city workers who work with downed power lines or ride the backs of moving vehichles like garbage trucks. Or sewer workers. Construction workers. Jobs that we owe the ease of our lives to. In nearly 40 years, I have never seen a female trash collector or construction worker. They’re such underappreciated jobs. The guys working them need more appreciation.
And that has been this fat lady’s personal view on it.

I’m sorry to butt in, but your argument isn’t relvant here.

Yes, wages highly depend of the type of jobs, but, will womem apply to your list, the gap will remain.
To this, high management jobs should be the target, not unskilled/low skilled jobs.

The size of the wage gap depends very heavily on the analysis. The largest gaps are found by comparing national averages rather than within the same profession (yes, that means most claims like “women are paid 75% for THE SAME JOB” are outright falsehoods, usually the result of people not reading the details of a paper closely enough). Breaking it down by industry (which should be noted is still much broader than by job) still produces high, but not AS high, of a wage gap figure. However, the studies that have controlled for the most variables have found very low gaps — often in the range of 5% that they could not explain through other variables.

I forgot to mention: The main exception to this is executive pay, but executive pay is bonkers in general.

Incorrect is a better title.
Early in there careers women have significantly higher pay rates, better conditions, better access to penal clauses and extra work, and lower unemployment time (faster re-hire); in almost every field (when compared like for like within that field). They have been access to extra training, training incentives, and in-business and outside business support services.

It’s not until child birthing/late-pregnancy or mid-retirement range that the figures rapidly reverse themselves. Women take more time off for their family choices, more men stay working – and their career pay progression reflects that.

Especially since the number of senior skilled career women choosing personally to take early retirement and to seek self-interest, volunteer, or unpaid or non-profit social work roles is extremely higher (many of these still being supported by either executive husband=’s large salary, a divorce settlement, or a widows’ windfall). This voluntary removal from the highest paying roles reflects heavily in the wage figures by gender but also in loss of senior skills, and is entirely driven by the women – often who “have gone to the top in their chosen career, “have nothing more to prove” so “can’t be bothered doing that anymore” and “find something more personally rewarding to themselves”. Basically, it was always about themselves, screw everyone else, and now f..k you it’s still all about them.

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