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7 comments on “Brains”

It always amuses me when the right wingers call the moderate right “lefties”.

I mean, relatively speaking, it’s technically correct, but absolutely speaking, it’s ridiculous.

It also surprises me that the actual left don’t have a larger base.

All right, it doesn’t. And that’s because there seem to be so many out there that believe their political system is a democracy when the Democrats are in charge and a republic when the Republicans are in charge, which only goes to show that they don’t actually know what a democracy or a republic is.


Well, if one considers how traditionally the political spectrum is usually divided, one could almost say that in the united state the left doesn’t exist almost at all , at least not when we talk about Democrats and Republicans, the only difference between both parties is in federalism/centralism, external policy vision, and in that the democrats have a more progressive view of some things, while most republics in this country has been characterized by being liberal in the economic, but conservative in political.

The biggest problem is the break that occuried precisely in liberalism as a political movement. After the 30′ crisis, many liberals joined conservative sectors as a way to preserve classical economic liberalism against communism (they don’t thing the crisis was caused by the logic of the system, if was, like always for the radical a fault of the state and things related to central banks and the state treasury). After that, a lot of new liberal ideas and school appeared, everyone of them claiming to be truth descendants of their roots. Some of those are kindy contradictory saying things like “Keynesianism” was not a liberal, was socialism, etc.

And currently, Tim Pool (who worked for Vice before), Dave Rubin (former The Young Turk, the activists criticized the lack of Left Wing in US), Jordan Peterson (Canadian for some reason), and Sargon (a British, the sort of person who should have known better where actual socialist and left-wing actual exists, ironically enough) who insist that they’re centrist and sensible people, yet call all Democrats as “Far Left” tend to lambast them exclusively (not like how hypocritical, but “see how stupid they are for caring actual issues like poverty and racism” type videos) for some reason.
I think the Zombie would be smiling at getting to eat their brains….before facepalming and left to search once he hears the rant.
And this not mentioning Libertarian Party and Green Party….who isn’t as infallible as they were before with their recent candidates being terrible (a former Republican with no knowledge about other countries named Gary and a quack doctor named Jill for the Green) or stunted due to duopolistic politics.
And this is why “there is two ideologies” won’t work anymore and most of the anti-two ideologies being just “let’s make it two choices again”.

This is not me covering a new fallacy I called “why Working Class Anti-Establishment Feminist Roseanne voted for Trump and Anti-Establishment Libertarian Frank Miller voted for Hilary”.
Or 4Chan

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