Gag Comics

Hear Your Voice

16 comments on “Hear Your Voice”

The thrill is in the hunt, not the kill. The journey is more important than its end.

Or, some other well-known saying that means something is more alluring when you haven’t got it than when you have.

Alternatively, she lost her voice, or rather, gave away her voice in return for hearing from him, but then realised she couldn’t answer her phone when he rang her, and couldn’t face the shame of losing her voice for him. Pacts with the Devil are only ever Win-Win for the Devil.

Sorry for explaining the joke, but you did say that you didn’t get it.

Unless I didn’t get the joke (or maybe I did and it’s not what I’ve said) and have got you even more confused by bamboozling you with nonsense. Not sorry about that.

So, what you’re saying is, this joke is too smart for us.

Danged hoity-toity college-educated high-falootin’ joke.

No you sillies. The joke is that she longed to hear the guy’s voice, but when she finally got the opportunity, she pretended like she couldn’t answer the phone and sent a text instead, thus revealing her hypocracy. The joke is that the common human habit of avoiding (awkward) conversation is persistent even in a dire situation such as your boyfriend getting out of a coma.

I would just say that the comic is about girls playing it cool in every situation, pretending to be independent and not to be needy. Just don’t show any feelings.

How do people not get the joke? She wants to hear his voice but then when he calls her and she has the chance to, she decides to text instead. Big whoop.

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