Gag Comics

Beware of God

15 comments on “Beware of God”

I suppose the next comic will be about Mohammed and Aisha, right?

Or are your “balls” only big enough to mock people who won’t fight back?

Nope. I’m not religious. Just fed up with the bullshit & double standards.

Mocking Christianity USED to be cool, in the 70s, 80s & even a bit of the 90s. Now? It’s like picking on the little kid. Yeah, real tough, Rambo.

There is only one religion to mock today: Islam. They lose their shit, your government forbids it, and you’ll probably get arrested.

Wanna be edgy, Toonhole? There’s your edge. Razor sharp, dangerous and poignant. All you need is the balls. Or you can keep beating the safe, dead horse.

Izzy. Dude!
You know I respect you, right? So let me tell you this as a friend and as your mum’s boyfriend (you didn’t think you pushing me in front of that burrito van would finish me did you?)

The guy was drawing a cartoon based on a pun. The necessary entity to attack the postman is god. Now, you can pick any good if you so fancy but the obvious one and the the one that delivers the punchline quickest to a western audience is *drum roll* *still drum rolll* *just a little longer* … good ol jehova, you know, the one from the bable.
I mean how would you even draw a recognizable allah? The elefant man the indians worship would be kinda cool for the animalistic look if nothing else but is that the good a postman in america would encounter. Be real with me come on.

Now if you’re broader point is that the religion that they should target alot more is islam I will kind of concede that. I vagely remember seeing some muslim stuff on here in past comics and just as the cultural christians (like yourself) are bashing this one, the *cough* … “progressives” were not to happy at all.
Granted the hot jokes in the religion terretory propably revolve around mohammed these days, but not ever artist has to boldly go where hundrets have gone before all the time, potentially at personal risk.
And speaking of liberals. Can you not at least kinda understand that they object less to the ex-muslims of north america celebrating #DrawMohammedDay than some privileged westerners shitting on someone elses religion (which is still ok in my book if done well, and of course should remain legal even if done badly). Not that all liberals are so reasonable which is where my main beef in this particular topic lies.

I guess my ultimate point is let the toonhole guys choose their path for themselves. Christianity is still as deserving of ridicule as always if not very original in itself at this point. I’ sure there will be something about Islam in time again (if a bit tamer than drawing the likeness of the ridiculous asshole they respect so much). And if nothing else can console you, keep in mind that toonhole is not a french site. And is the delicious irony that the french were the ones famously showing some balls here not worth more than a hundret mohammed cartoons?

P.S. No I never had anything with your mum, what kind of asshole do you take me for.

I like your reply, but respect my momma or I’ll call Mr. T on your ass.

It seems that (at least for me) this comic is now hidden? This wasn’t my intention, I abhor censorship & now I feel like shit for causing this. I still stand by my remarks, but I wouldn’t want this comic to be hidden. Please put it back, Mr. Allison.

“Cultural Christian”. That’s a new one for me, I had never heard it. Does that mean someone who isn’t religious (Christian in this case, obviously), but grew up around/absorbing the culture of said predominant religion? I like that. Yeah. I’m a cultural Christian, I’ll take it. Thanks.

Yeah the “cultural Chistian” Phrase is something I spontaniously pulled out of my ass (not saying I invented it).
Don’t take it to seriousely. I wouldn’t protest either if someone called me a cultural christian but some silly goose would propobly then think they know my opinions on stuff based on that label,

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