Giving money to the ACLU is worse than pooping and not flushing.
That’s the joke.
The monster just wants an easy way to clear his conscience, so xhe throws money at a “charity”, “NG”O, or the like, instead of putting in real effort, such as helping out those in close to xir.
Thus zhe can come out of the closet as a monster, because hx donates.
Geddit? 🙂
It should say “those in need”.
I’m going back under the bridge, I mean, bed.
This would make for a perfect tongue-in-cheek segment on a Rod Serling-style anthology show.
If you own a television network, I’ll run that show and make it happen. Just shoot me an email.
Damn. Sold it for a song last week, Then I found out the song was just a cover.
7 comments on “The Real Monster”
Giving money to the ACLU is worse than pooping and not flushing.
That’s the joke.
The monster just wants an easy way to clear his conscience, so xhe throws money at a “charity”, “NG”O, or the like, instead of putting in real effort, such as helping out those in close to xir.
Thus zhe can come out of the closet as a monster, because hx donates.
Geddit? 🙂
It should say “those in need”.
I’m going back under the bridge, I mean, bed.
This would make for a perfect tongue-in-cheek segment on a Rod Serling-style anthology show.
If you own a television network, I’ll run that show and make it happen. Just shoot me an email.
Damn. Sold it for a song last week, Then I found out the song was just a cover.
You: “I need a song.” Them: “I got you covered…”