Gag Comics

Hate Saying Goodbye

11 comments on “Hate Saying Goodbye”

…You know what we haven’t had in a while? Another “caption contest”.

Those were the times.

Ooo, you’re right. We HAVEN’T! I’ll bring it up with the guys. We’ve been really busy working jobs and other things (some of us working two jobs at the same time frequently). Sorry we haven’t put out as much animation, but we have some cartoons we’re sitting on. A caption contest seems TOTALLY doable again tho : )

I’m 27 years old and I live and work with my father (gotta admit we not work much because the stagflation in Argentina) while I keep triying to finish my studies as a geography profesor. Did I fail at life because of the simple reason I didn’t get out of home before 25?

Nah, you just don’t live in a country oversaturated by slutty feminists who abuse their power by accusing men of stuff they do a LOT worse.. (y que bueno porque ya valimos como la “tierra de opportunidad” por eso XP)

Well, yes you did fail. BUTT!

As Mr. Hilter, who seems to make a whole lotta sense says, you can blame feminists & honestly, you might as well. They’re already blaming YOU for something, anyway.

Just remember to blame feminists, NOT WOMEN. There is a difference. A huge difference.

Wow, so the only reason I feel miserable is because I didn’t blame a social class, group, race, religion or specific gender. Thanks guys, now I the pleasure of hating someone just for what they are. Feels good man.

Ok, so it wasn’t a good joke, I get it. Sorry!

Yes, you’re doing it right. Personally, I blame bronies, though.

Ah, my family!

“When are you coming to visit?” turns into “When are you leaving?” remarkably fast.

It’s not that I can’t afford to eat properly, I do. It’s that when I visit them, I don’t have to pay for the food. They never seem to get that.

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