Gag Comics

Real Boy

12 comments on “Real Boy”

I don’ geddit.

I mean, I *think* I can see what Mr. Allison was going for, but how does one being retired relate to having (or not) a son? If anything, the boy could work his wooden buttocks off so the old man can afford a cushier retirement.

Edgy joke fell flat, I guess. Excellent artwork as always, though.

Maybe the joke is simply that he’s about to start getting that sweet ass retirement money and he doesn’t want to pay the cost of raising a child, plus the federal and state tax taken out of his taxes. ALTHOUGH he could put Pinocchio on his dependents and maybe get some more cash? Unless that fucks up his SSI or SSDI (depending on his health.) and he can’t turn in taxes because he had no income except SSI….. wow this is deep.

Gepetto’s a retirement-age Italian carpenter, living in late-19th century Florence.

He’s just saved Pinnochio from a childhood of menial labour, and from an adulthood in an increasingly oppressive and fascist society.

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