Gag Comics

Veteran’s Day

33 comments on “Veteran’s Day”

Is it bad that you guys caused more of an uproar when you took a stab at the weightlifting community than when you take stabs at veterans? I find it hilarious, just like I find this comic hilarious.

A quick Google tells me that it’s actually because even some of the vets know this is a pretty accurate depiction of the Vietnam War.

But that’s probably part of it, too.

Ah, the good ol days~
respect thy veterans~
most of them prolly have shell shock though~
prolly shit their pants when they hear fireworks~

HAHA!!! 😀

This is damned amazing!

I’ve now stalked this site for quite some time now, and I never thought that it was possible to be this pleasantly offended!

I’m as always looking forward to the next time you make me laugh my butt off 😀

Btw…. you have to do something about that… it hurts like hell!!! 😀

As a vet, I can state that it’s offensive. It’s also damned funny. 😀 Me like.

(Or perhaps… me love it long time?)

I like the comic, but I don’t agree with it. Maybe it’s true, but I don’t think this really happens. I do sometimes get offended by these comics, but other times I don’t. Like, I thought the weightlifting one was hilarious. I guess you find it funny or not depends on whether or not deep inside you think the same way.

gotta say, this comic is horrible, insensitive, uncultured and i love every panel in it. but i dont know if its funny because its that crude or because its that true… either way, im laughing and laughing hard

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