Gag Comics

Normal Job

8 comments on “Normal Job”

Personally I’d want either chronokenesis or cryomancy, but I’m guessing our batty friend would want necromancy

Well, Chronokenesis isn’t what it’s usually called, but break down the wording;

Chrono simply means “of time” or in reference to time.

Kenesis is greek in origin and means “movement” or “to move”

So you’d be more familiar with his first power by the names of time control. Not stopping/freezing time, but altering or direction it’s flow from the terminology used, meaning fast forward or reverse is likely the intention.

Cryomancy is a bit easier.

Cryo simply means “Cold” or “Ice”

Mancy is a common used suffix essentially meaning to manipulate or control, ie Pyromancy and Necromancy are the control and manipulation of Fire and the Undead respectively.

Simply put, Cryomancy is control of Ice specifically or the Cold/Chilling process in a more broad perspective.

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