Gag Comics

Mr. Right

29 comments on “Mr. Right”

Awful. I’ve been reading #NotJustHello and #YesAllWomen on Twitter and I can’t find this cartoon strip very funny. I know it might be humorous on some level but not to me. That’s not a condemnation, merely my own personal opinion.

He who holds the 9 keys to the 7 hells, the merciless dominion and conqueror of the 7 worlds, the slayer of Gods and bane of titans, the undefeated warlord himself, the rightful ruler of the Universe, Marduksays:

There’s just no hope in this one…

at first he is a nice guy she dose not want him
but now shes in love when she finds out he has a bad side
what a woman

but your still married remember ?
any way i hope they run to mexico and live happily ever after
wait if there in mexico run to caneda or america
dbk was here

Ok, need to settle a debate. I say this comic is about criticizing men who think bashing women who reject them will magically make them fall in love with them. Other person says this comic is saying all women fall for jerks. They won’t be convinced otherwise unless it comes from the artists mouth.

Sadly, I know on both cases where both boys think this is true, and girls will fall for total jerks.

Thankfully, the males I demand in sacrifice are screaming in pleasure usually, so they have no time to insult or compliment me 😀

This is really pretty accurate! The milf genre is always on the promiscuous side, especially when it comes to the “bad boy” types!

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