Gag Comics


53 comments on “Jokes”

you kno, I don’t think i’ve ever heard of Rape jokes before~
didn’t think anyone would joke on rape~
then again, unless they meant this joke as rape joke~
“it’s not rape if you liked it or wanted it”~

I live in South Korea~
I know not of these shows~
jk, i just havent been watching tv lately~
and yes I actually do live in South Korea~

Ok, for those ignorant of rapist jokes, here is one:

A man and a girl walk through a dark forrest in the night. Shivering the girl says: “Daddy! It’s so dark, I’m scared!” The man answers: “Would you shut up! What should I say, I have to walk back alone!”

“You can’t say that word. That’s our word” Exactly what my grandfather used to say about using water fountains. Gotta love progress!

I can tell all these jokes because I just don’t give a damn who I offend or if you are offended.
Hey! That can be a ToonHole slogan!

“Black” jokes make fun of black people. “Jewish” jokes make fun of Jewish people. I don’t know anything that I’d recognize as a rape joke, because jokes are supposed to be funny. Rape is about as funny as Hiroshima.

What did one Hiroshima survivor say to the other? Nothing, because the intense heat of the explosion destroyed his vocal chords, hyuk hyuk hyuk!

Actually rape jokes can be quite funny if it’s about the rapist. Rape jokes about rape victims however is quite un-funny and can be triggering for the victim. Same goes for suicide jokes, cutting jokes, ect.

Personally I’m not offended because I can tell you were making a joke about the joke being a joke (Damn that made more sense in my head) and you had the balls to do so.

I can tell blatantly horrible/promotional jokes because that’s just how I am.(Blatant and horrible)

so i can make fun about humans because i am human? Ethnicity, gender, religion, etc. are included in my terrible, anger provoking jokes. 🙂

I get the joke, but it’s a false analogy. The first two examples are from the perspective of the demographic that’s the butt of the joke. The rapist however isn’t the subject rape jokes derive their humor from, it’s the rape victim.

A more apt analogy would be “I’m a rape victim, so I can tell rape jokes”. Otherwise the first two panels should be changed to portray the perpetrator of the malicious act and not the victim (IE: I’m a bigot, so I can tell black jokes)

PS. For anyone wondering what a rape joke is, here’s a good example: 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.

I’ve actually met at least one person who’se admitted to being a rape victim and not only made rape jokes, but also laughed at them. I really don’t see the humor, but it’s not my place to try to analyze why they do so. People respond to trauma differently.

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