Gag Comics

Teenage Werewolf

18 comments on “Teenage Werewolf”

Awesome drawing skills on the perspective in panel 4. And the transformation in panel 5.

Ah what the heck. It’s GREAT! 😀

You gotta have priorities. The damn fool should have known better than to wear a collectable on the night of a full moon.

Yikes.. to shred a black sabbath tour shirt of any kind is absolutely sacrilege. He should’ve worn an N’Sync shirt or something, because that’s a fitting fate for that crap!

Ok, you got me there.. perhaps the reason he picked the people he chewed up were because THEY were wearing nsync shirts!

I swear you guys are using some sort of brain washing ink to make these comics because I literally woke up this morning thinking with excitement “Ah yeah! It’s Monday, new ToonHole Comic!”.

And it’s only worse now as it’s summer vacation so I tend to loose track of what day it is.. So when I think it might be Monday and it’s really a Thursday my moral for that day drops dramatically. 🙁

I feel his pain. I had to dig out my old 83 Monsters of Rock t-shirt just to make sure it was still ok.

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